Coffee Management Services Limited

Coffee Management Services Limited is an agri-business service provider operating across the coffee value chain in areas including farm management, milling, marketing, storage, certification compliance and input provision. In Kenya, the company provides services to 200 cooperatives with a membership base of around 210,000 smallholder coffee farmers.

The project

The project aims to restore the profitability of smallholder coffee farming, make smallholder coffee farmers more resilient to climate change, reduce the ecological footprint of coffee washing and improve food security among smallholder households. 

With support from AgriFI, Coffee Management Services aims to:

  • Adopt an innovative ecological washing technology which can reduce the water footprint of coffee from 20 litres to just 2 litres per kg of cherry processed.
  • Train 6,000 smallholder farmers from 3 cooperatives to apply sustainable coffee growing practices including using a Training of Trainers approach (ToT). This will include training in GAP and CSA practices such as soil management techniques and planting of shade trees.
  • Train the above farmers on Rainforest Alliance/UTZ compliance to give them access to the certified coffee supply chain and premium international markets.

Provide further training to these farmers on production of food crops, and food preparation and handling for improved food and nutrition security.





Smallholders reached


Jobs created


Acres under climate smart agriculture


Kirinyaga, Embu and Nyeri